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所有译文 - ankarahastanesi


约有130项,以下是第81 - 100项
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英语 Wool fibres are semi-translucent. That is they...
Wool fibres are semi-translucent. That is they both reflect and transmit incident light. In the absence of any pigmentation (colour) they absorb little of the incident white light and therefore appear white in colour.
Yün analizi ile ilgili bir çeviri. Teknik kelimeler çevrilmeyebilir.

土耳其语 Yün lifleri
英语 comment to explain your rejection
If you leave no comment to explain your rejection of this translation, your vote may be ignored.

葡萄牙语 Comentário para explicar tua rejeição.
塞尔维亚语 Objasnite odbijanje prevoda
西班牙语 Comentario para explicar tu rechazo
挪威语 Forklar din avvisning
巴西葡萄牙语 Comentário para explicar sua rejeição.
意大利语 commento
丹麦语 Kommentar til forklaring af din afvisning
瑞典语 kommentar som förklarar din avfärdning
俄语 Комментарии к отклонённому переводу
加泰罗尼亚语 Comentari per explicar la desestimació
土耳其语 Reddetmenizi açıklamak için yorum yapmak
匈牙利语 Hozzászólás
世界语 komento por klarigi vian rifuzon
希伯来语 תגובה להסבר דחייתך
乌克兰语 Коментарі стосовно відхилення перекладу
荷兰语 Commentaar.
阿拉伯语 تعليقك على الرفض
波兰语 Powody odrzucenia tÅ‚umaczenia
波斯尼亚语 Objasnite odbijanje prevoda
克林贡语 lajQo'meH meqlIj yIQIj
冰岛语 útskýring á höfnun þýðingar
汉语(简体) 对拒绝不予置评者
汉语(繁体) 解釋您拒絕的評論
罗马尼亚语 Comentariu pentru a vă explica respingerea
保加利亚语 Коментар за обяснение на отхвърлянето
波斯語 توضیحی برای امتناءتان
日语 なぜ拒否したのか説明するコメント
德语 Kommentar um Ihre Ablehnung zu erklären
韩国语/朝鲜语 당신의 거절을 설명할 해설
阿尔巴尼亚语 koment për të sqaruar refuzimin nga ana juaj
希腊语 σχόλιο που εξηγεί την απόρριψη
芬兰语 Kommentoi hylkäämisesi
克罗地亚语 prijevod kratkog teksta
拉丁语 Si nullum commentarium
捷克语 zdůvodnÄ›ní vaÅ¡eho odmítnutí
印尼语 Keterangan penolakan
斯洛伐克语 Okomentujte aby ste vysvetlili VaÅ¡e zamietnutie
菲律宾语 Komentaryo para ipaliwanag yung pagayaw niyo
爱沙尼亚语 Kommenteeri, et seletada oma tagasilükkamist!
立陶宛语 komentarai paaiÅ¡kinti atsisakymÄ…
弗里西语 Kommentaar
拉脱维亚语 paskaidrojums, kāpÄ“c tu atskies tulkot
法语 Expliquer votre vote négatif
不列颠语 Disklaerit abalamour da betra 'peus refuzet an treuzskrivadur-mañ
格鲁及亚语 კომენტარი თარგმანზე უარის თქმასთან დაკავშირებით
南非语 Opmerking om u afkeuring te verduidelik
爱尔兰语 Muna fhágann tú nóta
马来语 Komen untuk menjelaskan penolakan anda
泰语 การลงความเห็นอธิบายต่อการปฏิเสธ
越南语 lời giải thích cho việc sá»± từ chối của bạn
阿塞拜疆语 Bu
马其顿语 коментар за да се објасни твоето одбивање
西班牙语 Behruz mi amor.
Behruz:deseo que tu te encuentres bien junto a tu familia en Baku, me alegro que hayas visitado a tu madre, te envio un beso, cuidate, Toda la felicidad y suerte para tu vida. Con amor Cristina

土耳其语 sevgilerle
英语 reason for your administrator request
Please state the reason for your administrator request if it is not already clear from notes below the text.
This text is prompted when somebody click on the button "I want an administrator to check this page".

葡萄牙语 Razão para teu pedido de administrador
塞尔维亚语 Razlog za obaveÅ¡tavanje administratora
西班牙语 Razón para pedido de administrador
挪威语 Grunnen til hvorfor du kontakter administrator
意大利语 admin button
土耳其语 yönetici talebinizin gerekçesi
丹麦语 Ã…rsag til Deres anmodning som administrator
俄语 Обращение к администратору
加泰罗尼亚语 Raó de sol·licitud a l'administrador
瑞典语 orsak till din efterfrÃ¥gan av administratör
匈牙利语 EllenÅ‘rzés
世界语 motivo por via peto al administrantoj
巴西葡萄牙语 Razões para o pedido de administrador
希伯来语 סיבה לבקשת מנהל מערכת
乌克兰语 Звертання до адміністратора
阿拉伯语 سبب طلبك الإداري
波斯尼亚语 Razlog za obavjeÅ¡tenje administratora
冰岛语 ástæða stjórnanda athugasemdar
波兰语 przyczyna żądania wysyÅ‚anego do administratora
罗马尼亚语 motiv pentru verificarea de către administrator
保加利亚语 Причина за заявката
波斯語 پاسخ به درخواست شما از مدیران
荷兰语 Reden voor uw administratorverzoek
阿尔巴尼亚语 Arësyeja përse kërkoni kontrollin e një administratori
希腊语 λόγος για την αίτησή σας προς τον διαχειριστή
汉语(简体) 您向管理员提出请求的理由
克罗地亚语 Razlog za obavjeÅ¡tenje administratora
芬兰语 Syy asiantuntijan tarkistuspyyntöön
德语 Grund für Ihren Anruf des Administrators
捷克语 ZdůvodnÄ›ní VaÅ¡eho dotazu administrátorovi
日语 管理人に依頼した理由
汉语(繁体) 向管理員提出請求的理由
斯洛伐克语 Dôvod pre administrátorsky zásah
印尼语 Alasan untuk permintaan administrator
韩国语/朝鲜语 관리자 요청을 하는 이유
爱沙尼亚语 Reason for your administratot request.
拉脱维亚语 GrieÅ¡anās pie adminstrātora
法语 raison de votre appel à un administrateur
立陶宛语 Kreipimasis į administratorių
不列颠语 Abalamour da betra ' peus gelvet ur merer
弗里西语 Doel fan jo administrator fersiek
格鲁及亚语 ადმინისტრატორისადმი მიმართვის მიზეზი
南非语 Rede vir u aanvraag na 'n administrateur
爱尔兰语 Fáth do do irratas riarthóir
马来语 Sebab permintaan kepada pengendali
泰语 เหตุผลในการร้องขอต่อผู้ดูแลระบบของคุณ
越南语 Lí do đối vá»›i yêu cầu Ä‘iều hành của bạn
阿塞拜疆语 Bu
菲律宾语 Paki-sabi po yung dahilan...
马其顿语 Причина за известување на администраторот
西班牙语 ésta espera me está matando... y es ahora cuando...
ésta espera me está matando... y es ahora cuando necesito un abrazo tuyo

土耳其语 bu bekleyiÅŸ
西班牙语 los ojos no mienten
los ojos no mienten
original text: os ojos no mienten

土耳其语 gözler yalan söylemezler
英语 Cohort studies
Cohort studies that determine incidence are highly valued, as they provide a direct measure of the risk of disease development.
cohort:bir çalışma metodudur

土耳其语 kohort çalışmaları
英语 Catalytic enantioselective Diels–Alder reactions of furans
Chiral 7-oxabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-enes, 1 are attractive
precursors for the synthesis of various important natural
products such as pseudo-sugars,1 shikimic acid,2 transkumausyne,
3 and epoxyquinols.4

土耳其语 Furanların katalitik enansiyoselektif Diels-Alder reaksiyonları
英语 You should be able to visit the home page of any...
* You should be able to visit the home page of any Web site and figure out what the site is about, what type of products it sells, or what it is advertising within five seconds.
* The poor use of popup windows, splashy advertising, splash pages (pages with neat animations and sound but which you have to watch for five to ten seconds before you are taken to the real Web site), and other Web design features that draw interest away from your Web site, products, and/ or services.
hepinize teşekkür ederim

土耳其语 Web Sitesi
荷兰语 tegen warmte en vochtigheid beschermen. ten...
smaakverfijner van (orientaalse) gerechten

vurig pikante kruidensaus van rode chili

tegen warmte en vochtigheid beschermen.
ten minste houdbaar tot: zie deksel

英语 Protect against warmth and humidity...
土耳其语 SıcaÄŸa ve neme karşı muhafaza ediniz
英语 help me!! yardım edin !!!
This is a regular practice to provide buyers or resellers with professional
and independent valuation. Serious investors must be sure in your price.
Without it they risk to overpay.

Anyway, you won't be able to sell without professional appraisal.

Of course, serious investors cannot accept auto-generated services. They
need an accurate valuation made by humans not scripts.

土耳其语 Profesyonel deÄŸerlendirme
英语 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents its...
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments to the Embassy of the United Kingdom and the honour to refer to the Embassy's Note No. 16 of the 4th of february 1966 on the subject of the supply of three complete IFF systems for the coastal warning radar sites at Åžile, Marmara Island and Zonguldak.


Embassy of the United Kingdom
Bu metini bulmak için çok uğraştım. Burada ne anlatılmak isteniyor fikrim var fakat ayrıntıları yardım ederseniz öğrenmek istiyorum.
Bunu diplomatik yazışmalar kategorisinden buldum bu metni resmi dile uyarlamanız benim açımdan iyi olur. Şimdiden teşekkürler iyi çalışmalar

土耳其语 DışiÅŸleri Bakanlığı
英语 All the funding requirements of the JV Company...
All the funding requirements of the JV Company except for its issued share capital shall be obtained by the JV Company itself through commercial borrowings with security over the commercial borrowings being given by the JV Company as the Board may decide.

土耳其语 JV ÅŸirketi
芬兰语 JV Company'n rahoitustarve
英语 Alış veriÅŸ sitesinden gelen bir mail.
Dear ekrem05,

hey how are you doing ekrem i will check with the post office 2 morro im sure it wont be more then 40 dollers maybe even 20 i look foward 2 doing buisness

土耳其语 Sevgili Ekrem05
英语 username açıklamasıdır.
Letters and numbers only.After registration,you can create a more personalized nickname.
bilgisayarıma bir xfire dosyası indirip kurdum ama üye olmadan kullanamıyorum ve username bölümüne ne yazdıysam kabul etmedi.bu bölüm ile ilgili açıklama ingilizce olarak size yazdığım şekildedir.

土耳其语 username (kullanıcı adı) açıklamasıdır.
英语 plath
have you forgotten
all this beauty around you

all your worries
could easily fade behind you

who is pulling you back
with such strength?

i hear you calling
your voice is bright
you hear me calling back

after finding
you're always right
you're always right
and i tried

土耳其语 unuttun mu
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